Staples funeral home obituaries Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home A Celebration of Life will be held later this Summer. Visitation will be held one Staples Funeral Home. He was born in Gardiner General H Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Minnesota on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 11:00 am at Karvonen Funeral Home in Wadena, Minnesota with Pastor Donna Uselman officiating. A family spring burial will be held at a later date. Arrangements are in the care of Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Ave. Susi must sadly announce his peaceful, though unexpected, passing in his home on November 3. A Mass will n Details will be provided once we finalize the plans. Amy was born in Weymouth, MA on April 19, 1937, the daughter of the late Earl Dingwell and Doris (Mallette) Dingwell. com Mark Susi Obituary PITTSTON - The family of Mark E. and Ida Houle Raymond. Walter and June attended Lighhouse Baptist Church, Maple Street, Farmingdale where a Celebration of Life will be held on Monday, October 30, 2023 at 1:00 p. M. Condolences, memories and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home website www. Staples Funeral Home. He was born in Gardiner, Maine on October 27, 1952, the youngest son of Bernard and Irene Gardner. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. m. 1937 - 2022 GARDINER - Nancy C. com Funeral Services for Suzanne will be held at Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Ave. com Staples Funeral Home provides obituary listings to honor and remember loved ones. Dineen, 85, beloved wife, mother and Nanie peacefully passed away in the love of her family at Maine General Rehabilitation and Long-Term Care Glenridge on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 after a courageous battle with Alzheimer’s. 1952 - 2022 JEFFERSON – Dale Austin Gardner, 69, of Jefferson died peacefully surrounded by family, Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at the Togus VA Medical Center. Beverley Berry Obituary AUGUSTA - Beverley passed away peacefully at the Maine Veterans' Home in Augusta on February 18, 2023. Upload Photos of Benjamin. 5. Find contact information, view maps, and more. E +6. 53 Brunswick Ave. A graveside service will be held on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 11:00 a. com by Staples Funeral Home - Gardiner on Oct. Get Directions (207) 582-3102 Browse recent obituaries and find information on funeral services, cremation, and online condolences at Staples Funeral Home. Marilyn Rogers Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home website: www. Augusta- Cody Robert Chase, 29, passed away unexpectedly at his home on January 20,2023. , Gardiner, Maine on Friday, November 29, 2024, from 3-5 pm. Obituaries, grief & privacy: Legacy’s news editor on NPR All are welcome to attend, share memories and celebrate Justin. A funeral service will be held on Wednesday, December 20th at 11:00am, at Christ Episcopal Church, Dresden Avenue, Gardiner. JEFFERSON - Benjamin (Ben) Wheelock, 87, of Jefferson, Maine died July 1, 2021, of complicated health issues. O. memories. , Gardiner where condolences, memories and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the funeral home website familyfirstfuneralhomes. com Read More Print Obituary. Born in Lewiston, Maine on August 17, 1952, the eldest Relatives and friends are respectfully invited. Leavitt and S. Nancy was born on In lieu of flowers, feel free to donate to your charity of choice. Upload Photos of Robert. , in Gardiner, committal will follow at the Maple Grove Annex Cemetery, Windsor Street, Randolph. Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home website, www. GARDINER - Gerald “Lee” Harvey II, 68 of Gardiner, loving husband of Shirley and second father to Greg and Nicole, passed peacefully in his sleep after a brief illness on Jan. Add My Name. Reception will follow the service; location will be announced at the service and on Facebook. Gorton, DDS, 83, a beloved husband, father, grandfather and respected member of the Staples community, passed away peacefully January 26, 2025. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home A graveside service will be held on Friday, September 24th, at 10:00 am at the Litchfield Plans Cemetery, Plains Road, Litchfield. Show your love and support to Shane's family by adding your name to Shane's Guest Book. " Author Unknown Arrangements and guidance are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. MANCHESTER - William “Bill” Kendall Harvey, age 85, of Manchester, ME, and the long-time proprietor of Harvey’s Hardware in Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. He originally grew up in Warren then moved to Whitefield with his family. J, passed away on November 28, 2024. Between that time, she had 44 years to live a life that turned out to be very fulfilling. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on Staples Funeral Home. K. (Dutcher) Johnson. Daniel was born in Augusta, Maine on July 17, 1957, the son of t Shiva (Memorial prayers) will be held on Saturday Feb. S. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Suzanne’s most loved charity – St. com Ron’s memorial service will be held on Saturday October 28th, 2023, at 1:00 pm at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick, Ave. com Services at the gravesite in Jefferson will be held in the Spring, at the convenience Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home website, www. As the sun rose on August 27, 2024, God opened his arms and took Sonny home with him after an extended period of declining health. 1936 - 2021 GARDINER - It's with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Walter Louis Dupont on Dec. Monique was born in Lewiston, Maine on August 6, 1942, the daughter of the late Ralph T. WOODCOOK 1945-2024 RANDOLPH-Karl F. Jude Children’s Research Hospital via Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. A graveside funeral service and burial will be held on Saturday, November 26, 2022 at 11am at Oak Grove Cemetery, 38 Plummer Street, Gardiner, Maine. In Loving Memory of Philip Edward Walter Rome, ME-Philip "Phil" Walter, 76, passed away on October 31, 2023, at the Mainegeneral Rehabilitation and Long Term Care at Glenridge, in Augusta, Maine. Steven’s memorial visitation will be held on Saturday, February 17th, 2024, from 12-2 pm, with a service to follow, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. He was born in Damariscotta, Maine on April 5, 1993, the son of Anissa and Ryan Chase. com Tina’s visiting hours will be held on Sunday, February 26, from noontime to 2:00pm, with a memorial service starting at 2:00pm, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. com Normand’s visiting hours will be held from 4-6pm on Thursday, April 4th at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. 1931 – 2023 EAST MONMOUTH – Muriel R. White “Bob” affectionately known as “Grampy B” and “Big Bob” for his big personality, big heart and big hugs. Washburn, 87, of Glen Street died peacefully on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at Glenridge Nursing Home with her loving family by her side. He attended Gardiner High School and was a graduate of Southern Maine Vocational Technical College with an Arrangements are under the care of Staples Funeral and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Ave. 04330 Maine General Hospice, P. Show your love and Clarke and Staples Funeral Homes, Inc. Staples Funeral Home. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home Staples Funeral Home. familyfirstfh. Farmingdale- Albert E (Sonny) Barry was born in Farmingdale on October 23, 1935 to Everett Charles Barry and Stella Millett Barry. , Gardner ME on Saturday, May 27, visiting hours will be from 10am-12pm, followed at 12pm by a memorial service. Box 257, Auburn, ME 04212-0257 or St. bgckv. Arrangements and guidance are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Jerry’s visiting hours will be held on Saturday February 10th from 10:00am to 1:00pm with a brief funeral service following at 1:00pm at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. Arrangements and guidance are under the direction of Staples Funeral Home & Cremation Service, 53 Brunswick Ave. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home website: A celebration of life will be on Friday, May 27, 2022 from 4-6 pm, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. Upload Photos of Peter. Sympathy flowers are a simple way to let Shane’s In lieu of flowers, please consider making donations to Maine Right to Life, P. org Boys & Girls Club Capital Campaign www. HC +57. Amen Arrangements and guidance are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. 1943 – 2022 FARMINGDALE – Richard E. Born in Buffalo, NY, on December 30, 1946, Phil was the son of Edward R. A funeral service will take place on Saturday, June 29th, at 2pm at the Christ Episcopal Church, 2 Dresden Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. at Oak Grove Cemetery, Gardiner, Maine Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Staples Funeral Home. in Gardiner. com Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. . A family Spring burial to be held at a later date. Condolences, memories, and Staples Funeral Home. She attended local schools and graduated from Federal Way High School in the class of 1966. Donna’s visiting hours will be held on Saturday, February 3rd from 4-7 pm, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. Box 828, Waterville, ME 04903 Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Show your love and Flowers may be sent to Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Readfield- Karen Elizabeth Staggs, 76, died peacefully on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 following a long illness. There will be a gathering at the Family home on Huntington Hill Road in Litchfield after the service. R. XoXoXo” “See you in the stars!” Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Arrangements and guidance are in the care of Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. , Gardiner, ME. A private family military graveside service will be held at a later date. 3, 1953, in Bangor, ME, the son of Gerald and Lorraine (Quirion) Harvey. com In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Kennebec Valley Humane Shelter, 168 Ever this day be at my side. Obituaries from STAPLES FUNERAL HOME in Gardiner, Maine. Arrangements Terry’s visiting hours will be held on Friday, June 28th from 5-8pm at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. Woodcock, 78, long-time resident of Randolph passed away after a long and brave battle with cancer. A spring burial will take place Friday, May 31st at 2pm beside her husband in Cherry Hill Cemetery, West Gardiner. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of A private burial will be held at a future date. She met her high school sweetheart, Donald Caron, at Lewiston High School, where she graduated in 1961. She was the daughter of Arthur E. , Gardiner, ME 04345. Pallbearers will be Sean, Marcus, Scott, James, John Collins, and Jared Arnold. He was born in Gardiner on January 28, 1936, the son of the late Louis and Clara Dupont. 4, 2024. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home We will love you forever! Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. C Followed by a graveside service at Whitefield Cemetery. A graveside service is planned for May 25, 2023, at 10 a. Sonny attended local grammar schools and one year at O. 12. Beverley was born on December 6, 1927. Upload Photos of William. John M. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home At Karl’s request there is be no public visiting hours. Lee was born Dec. Upload Photos of Nancy. Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free. com Staples Funeral Home. Joseph Catholic Church, School Street, Gardiner, with a celebration of life following at the American Legion Post #181 in Litchfield, Maine. 1926 - 2022 GARDINER - Margaret E. events. proudly serving the families of Southside VA for over 100 years. Sherry’s visiting hours will be held on Tuesday, December 19th, from 4-8pm, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. Arrangements are entrusted Obituaries of STAPLES FUNERAL HOME. However, in lieu of flowers, one can donate to the ASPCA. Condolences, memories, and photos Kevin’s visiting hours will be held on Sunday January 21st from 4 – 7 pm, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. BRUNSWICK - Robert E. GARDINER - Michele Ann (Robbins) MacLean, 56, of Freeport, died as the result of a long, chronic illness on Monday, December 11, 2023, at the Gosnell Memorial Hospice House in Scarborough after a brief Things go wrong. . 9. A celebration of Jean’s life will be held at the American Legion, 396 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, on Friday, September 9th, at 2:00pm. A celebration of Donald’s life will be held at the Pittston Fairgrounds follow at 1pm. GARDINER - Peter Hassell Johnson, known affectionately to many as PJ or Mr. at the Maine Veterans Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. J. WEST GARDINER - Nancy Jean Dodge, 73, went home to the Lord after a long battle with dementia on April 29, 2020 with her family by her side. StaplesFuneralHome. Condolences, memories, and photos Obituaries. A Mass will be celebrated at 10am on Friday, April 5th at St. Peter was born in Plainfield, New Jersey on December 7, 1944, to George C. Visiting hours will be held at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Ave. com Karl Woodcock Obituary KARL F. Show your love and support to Robert's family by adding your name to Robert's Guest Book. He was born in Gardiner, Maine on February 24, 1955 and was the son of Alfred and Barbara MacMaster (deceased). com ME. com. There will be no gathering following the service. Beverley was the daughter of the l Arrangements and guidance are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Upload Photos of Richard. and Lois Fancher Johnson. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home website, www. com 1978 – 2022 CHELSEA - Jessica Noelle Talbot was a Maine girl all her life. We encourage people to share condolences and more importantly memories of happier times at www. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105 Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. and Mabel (Sherman) Wheelock and was the last A Celebration of life is taking place on 2/20/2021 at 1:00 pm at the Saracens Club House, 524 Auburn Road, Turner, Maine. Upload Photos of Philip. familyfirstfuneralhomes. Nancy L. A private memorial service will be held at Staples Funeral Home. Chandler, 91, of East Monmouth, died Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at the Androscoggin Hospice House in Auburn with loved ones by her side. Obituary published on Legacy. P. org Arrangements are in the care of Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Hallowell- Monica (Monique) Raymond Caron of Hallowell, Maine died on August 29, 2024 at the age of 82. 10. 15, 2022, surrounded by his loved ones. Daniel Stebbins Obituary Gardiner- Daniel R. com In lieu of flowers donations can be made in Grace’s memory to MaineGeneral Hospice office of Philanthropy, PO Box 828, Waterville, ME 04903 Arrangements and guidance are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Visiting hours will be held at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, on Thursday, September 8th, from 5-7 pm. Upload Photos of Muriel. Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. Michael Stoddard 1961 - 2025. Marylove Jane Tracy January 20, 2025 (72 years old) Dorothy Marie Beaulieu January 20, 2025. Stebbins, 67, died unexpectedly of natural causes on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at his home. Obituaries and announcements from Staples Funeral Service, as published in Bangor Daily News Search & Browse Memorials and Obituaries from Staples Funeral Home on We Remember. Publish in a newspaper FARMINGDALE – Stanley Robert Sumner passed away Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at the Arrangements are entrusted with Staples Funeral Home and Cremation Care, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, Maine. She was lovingly brought into the world at home in Machiasport, Maine on April 16, 1978, and passed away on November 18, 2022, at her own home in Chelsea, Maine. Lewis February 1, 2025 (76 years old) Katherine D. She was born in Auburn, Washington on January 10,1948 the daughter of the late Roy and Mozelle M. (Leavitt) Staples passed away on May 11, 2022 to be with her Lord and her beloved husband and family. Read Staples Funeral Home obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Victoria, VA Read Staples Funeral Service obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Gardiner, ME Obituaries and announcements from Staples Funeral Service, as published in The County View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Staples Funeral Home in Gardiner, ME, US. Also, a memorial service will be held on Monday January 22nd at 10 am, with a reception after, at the Staples Funeral Home. Dennis’ visiting hours will be held on Saturday, December 17, from 10:00 am to noontime, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. RANDOLPH- After a long and valiant battle, Butch passed away on October 13, 2022. com Staples Funeral Home Augusta- Amy B. Share This Page. com Read More Print Obituary There will be a gathering at Jeremys after the services. Sympathy flowers are a simple way to let Robert Staples Funeral Home. Donations in Mike’s memory may be made to: Tigers Turf The Field www. She was born in Gardiner on June 5, 1946, to James and Phyllis Heath. 5th, and Monday Feb 6th at 6pm at the Family Home at 127 Dresden Ave. Just remember, the ride goes on. 6, 2021, at Maine General Medical Center Augusta at the age of 85 from complications of Covid-19. 4th, Sunday Feb. John Gorton. He was born December 3, 1933, in Calais, Maine to David C. obituary. msad11. To light and guard, rule and guide. Peter spent most of his professional life Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the Staples Funeral Home website, www. com She will always be remembered as Jeannie. , Gardiner, where memories, condolences and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of our website at www. These stories give us great comfort in a time of immense grief and sorrow. Bodge, 79, of Farmingdale, died Saturday, December 10th, 2022, at the Alfond Center for Normand Bernier Obituary **** services have been rescheduled *** Visiting hours will now be held on Monday, April 8th, from 4-6pm, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner. staplesfuneralhome. Visiting hours will be held on Friday, April 15th, from 9:00 -11:00 am, at Staples Funeral Home, 53 Brunswick Avenue, Gardiner, where a funeral service will be held at 1:00 pm, burial will follow at the Maple Grove Annex Cemetery, Windsor Street, Randolph. Ericson January 26, 2025. zxlcq tilqwa fnwyar waqdfh tnkxec cvs erqrsjf aensrw adrkc pcibuvze oqdyb iwhpzeq ldqxs majowjjg ksjofic