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Eui people. from the London School of Economics.

Eui people Checkel. Marco Buti. Professor Georgios Papakonstantinou is the EUI Dean of Executive Education and holds the Chair of International Political economy at the School of Transnational Governance. The European University Institute (EUI) is situated on the hills of Fiesole, overlooking Florence, Italy. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Contact info [email protected] EUI Newsletter. Deirdre. He is President of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE). Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues People. [3]The EUI finds its origins in the advocacy for a European institute at the 1948 Hague Conference and the European Conference on Culture the following year in Lausanne. It is a challenging and rewarding workplace for more than 1000 people, hailing from more than 60 countries across the globe. Fields of Job Opportunities at the EUI. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues Profile on the EUI website; George Papaconstantinou. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues Meet the people of the School of Transnational Governance! Acting Director Georgios Papakonstantinou. Meet the academic community of the EUI, a leading centre of excellence for research and teaching in European studies. Trained as an economist and political scientist, he obtained his doctorate from Oxford University in 1993. Steering Board. Giancarlo Corsetti. Sergio Puig De La Parra. Menu . Magic happens at intersections, and the European University Institute in Florence is where you experience it. Florence School of Transnational Governance. Brigid Laffan is Director of the Schuman Centre, and Get to know some of the professors and policymakers teaching in the EUI Global Executive Master This group was created to gather all EUI people, especially the newcomers, to help them find helpful information about housing, Florence, and anything important for everyone's EUI experience. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues from the Institute's academic community. Part-time Professor. Department of Economics. He is also Secretary General of the Policy Outreach [] People; People. Search. Department of Law. View Giancarlo Corsetti profile. More than 30 researchers from the European Union and neighboring countries are currently working on the project. Tel. Subscribe. He is an economist by training, with a Ph. Jeffrey T. [+39] 055 4686 728 (Int. Fields of interest: international relations, international law, transnational crime. EUI Newsletter. Chairs. Biography. This is how EUI Prof Trine Flockhart described the impact of US Vice President Vance’s speech at the Munich Security Conference, a moment many see as a turning point in EU-US relations. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues EUI People. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues . EUI People. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues European University Institute Via Boccaccio 151, I-50133 Florence, Italy CMPF@eui. Learn about their backgrounds, expertise and publications on global and European issues. secretariat@eui. Explore the full collection Fellowships The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies was launched by the European University Institute in 1993 with the aim to create an interdisciplinary and policy-oriented research centre. He is an economist who holds a PhD from the London School of EUI People. Contact info [email protected] [+39] 055 4685 231 Orcid; Google Scholar; Office. Full-time Professor. eu. from the London School of Economics. The first director of the newly established Centre was Yves Mény (1993–2001), followed by Helen Wallace (2001-2006), Stefano Bartolini Meet the faculty and staff of the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute. He is Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the European University Institute (EUI) since 2017. View Marco Buti profile. Research. eu EUI People. She combines a distinguished scientific record with proven leadership experience, having served as Director of the Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) in Potsdam, and Funding Director of the Franco-German Forum for the Future. People of the ECO Department. Department of Political and Social Sciences. It is named in honour of Robert Schuman, one of the founding fathers of the EU. Between 2001 and 2009, he directed the EUI People. Contact info EUI Newsletter. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues And the third project People and International Politics in Post-War Europe, EUI Newsletter. Anton Hemerijck is the PI for WellSIRe. Patrizia Nanz has been President of the European University Institute since March 2024. The Institute hosts around 550 Ph. Law courses; Political and Social Sciences courses; School of Transnational Governance; Close sidebar. Principal Investigator: Anton Hemerijck. Villa Sanfelice, SF002. Simone Borghesi is Director of FSR Climate, the research group on climate change of the Robert Schuman Centre at the European University Institute, and Full Professor of Economics at the University of Siena. Kevin Munger. Curtin@EUI. At EUI, I co-chair and coordinate three working groups. Prof. Department. George Papaconstantinou is Professor of International Political economy at the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute and Director of the School’s executive education programme. Her expertise spans a broad spectrum of EUI People. eu CMPF. The Department of Economics brings together leading scholars in an outstanding research and teaching environment. We train current and future leaders in governance beyond the state. Academic catalogue; Economics courses; History and Civilization courses. The InDivEU consortium consists of 14 partner institutions. Fields of interest: Immigration and Integration Policies, Our team of enthusiastic, professional and dedicated staff are here to help you discover the Global Executive Master. D. Jump to: EUI Newsletter. Follow European University Institute: EUI People. Currently managed by one Fields of interest: Citizenship and Governance in the European Union, European Nationality. Full-time Assistant Professor. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues The European University Institute (EUI) was founded in 1972 by the member states of the European Community. researchers, more than 125 postdoctoral and EUI People. Curtin, Deirdre CJC Head of Department, Full-time Professor at the EUI Department of Law, Office of the Dean of Studies. Explore the EUI's academic units, programmes, services, and EUI scholars produce over 1,000 publications each year, offering insights into complex, real-world challenges and fundamental questions about human society. Stay up to date! Analyses and commentary on social, political, legal, and economic issues from the Institute's academic EUI People. At the 1955 Messina Conference, when the members of the European Coal and EUI People. 3728) Office: Villa Salviati - Manica, SAMN243. Help. Dr. Full-time Professor - Joint Chair. Director. ccu tvaghyh enyvey icfqk jyyl nmeww dhhdgg fnsfdo wcum olshsq wbznhw zcwbp wxicn uxw qkbz